So to start 2020 off, I have put together a list of 20 reasons to outsource work to a virtual assistant.
Perth Virtual Services is an Australian company assisting small and medium businesses find business solutions.
1. You never have enough time to get things done 2. You’ve been working the grind for too long and your feeling burnt out 3. You need an expert to type up your correspondence/letter/emails while you get on with things 4. You are not sure what content to put on your website, social media posts etc and need some help 5. You need templates done up but not sure where to start or what information is best to include 6. You can’t keep up with daily bookings and quotes because you often miss calls or emails while you are working on the job. 7. You’re bogged down with work over the annual boom period and need some temporary help with keeping things on track 8. Losing time for yourself, an important necessity for any business owner 9. Missing the kids sporting activities because you’re constantly working 10. You’re not sure how to research to get the results/information you need 11. You need a presentation done and want it done professionally 12. You’re working late through the night, every night and missing valuable family time 13. You have an event you want to hold and need an event planner/coordinator 14. You have trades staff that require medicals and training but not sure how to go about it 15. You’re not sure what programs to use for your business 16. You're holding a sundowner and need assistance with venue hire, catering etc 17. You're starting a business and need help with the initial stages of set up 18. You’re looking for a cost effective and efficient way to gain administrative assistance without hiring a full-time staff member or renting out office space 19. You need an assistant who can be on-call for any duties you might need assistance with during the week, whether it be 1 hour a day or 10 hours a week 20. You need a reliable assistant to look after your business administration while you are on leave or on holiday